

 Private Fly Casting Lessons | Beginning Fly Fishing | Crash Course Fly-Fishing Clinics | Beginning Fly Tying | Crash Course Fly-Tying Class | Soft Hackle Fishing Class | Dry Fly Fishing Class 

WRF Private On-Water Clinic Entomology Class | WRF Euro Nymph Fishing Clinic | WRF Nymph Fishing Class 

Streamer Fishing Class | Private Fly Fishing Lessons | WRF Trout Spey Class | Women's 101 Class |

Our commitment to teaching the principles of fly-fishing, while being good stewards of our fish and fisheries, has been a fundamental part of the shop ever since we opened in 1986.  Western Rivers offers a diverse selection of educational fly fishing opportunities for every skill level, and offers classes to help anglers  experience the many techniques this activity encompasses. Through our comprehensive learning curriculum, our students will learn how to be more conscientious and independent anglers, and learn how to get the most enjoyment out of their time on the water.

If you have questions about any of our classes, please reach out to us! We are here to help you.

Send us a message, we will get back to you ASAP!